Thursday, February 25, 2016

Identify the Real You..!

There are many times in life, we become judges for the other people’s life and offer suggestions, analysis and feedback for the various aspects they go through. However when the question about our own life arises, we often end up defending ourselves, our mistakes, our decision etc.

But in this course of protecting ourselves while carrying the desire to prove ourselves right at home, in Office and any where we go precisely, are we not forgetting who we actually are?

The best to get connected with yourself is to allow yourself to be with just you. Stop and relax for the most convenient time of the day, and yes it will become the best time for you to give yourself a “hi” and check upon your well being.

We often depend on other people, things and situations to keep ourselves busy and content in our life. However it would be certainly true to say that you yourself carry immense power and potential to make yourself happy. All you need to do is getting connected with yourself; your inner feelings and life could become way too stronger and happier for you, for sure.

It has been scientifically proven those things and the materialistic factors of life fail to keep us happy and content. The key towards achieving these goals lies within us. All you need is to stimulate this aspect and talk to yourself, assure when in doubt, ne there for yourself and you will win the world being powerful, withholding your power.

There are times when life could look falling apart, and you lean and depend upon other to support you, but if you identify your core and strengths, you will be stronger in order to handle the odds in life.

There are a few ways to achieve this state of mind:

Talk to yourself
Take 10 minutes out of your busy life and keep this time to recap the day with just yourself. Preserve in your memory the good part of the day and let the bad ones leave you forever.

Believe in yourself
Life can throw upon many challenges for you, all you got to do is remain focused and have the faith in yourself. Life evidently throws its spells time in and out on us, however the way you deal with it makes the difference here. Be strong and have courage to overcome the spells of life and achieve victory.

Be Attentive
Never let the other take you for granted. Respect yourself for the other to respect you. Never let people to get over you, instead follow your heart and mind judiciously and keep a control on yourself as well as your life.

Write a journal
The best practice to get closer to you is the habit of wiring each day. Trust me it carries immense power. Write about the things that made you happy, while also pen down the things you did wrong and the steps you will take to correct them.

Love yourself-pamper yourself
There is nothing wrong to be in love with one self. Only if you will appreciate yourself, you would be able to value another person’s life. There is no harm in indulging in aspects that make you feel good.  Keep yourself occupied in looking for occasions, things that would make you feel loved, hereby fulfilling your desires all by yourself.


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