Thursday, February 25, 2016

Guru Brij Mohan Ji Maharaj – A pure soul behind this beautiful creation

After talking a lot about his ideologies and path that leads towards spirituality, we introduce you today with the master behind the conception of “Who AM I”.

Guru Brij Mohan Ji Maharaj, who took “Deeksha” at an early age, was always fascinated with the world around and its reality. He took towards exploring through the reality of life at a very young age and ever since then he acquired immense knowledge, walking on the path towards spirituality, reality and the truth behind the evolution of human being on this planet.

Since then he devoted his life towards teaching and preaching people regarding the various aspects and the possible approach towards getting inclined to the almighty.

He has been a known face in India as well as Canada, while being an imperative factor in shaping up the lives of many people, directing them towards attaining mental peace, physical strength and devotion towards the almighty.

He has been an eminent person, at the ITDC where he has been offering his preaching. Following superannuation, he had been completely occupied in the spirituality path. He has been instrumental in offering and educating people to choose the exact path towards spiritualism and inner peace.

Guruji has been a renowned face in conducting austerities since long, while he has been spending most of this earning over preaching in forms of writing some of the greatest and knowledgeable books, bhajans and also recording them into Cd's. He founded “Divya Chakshu” that instills a message of detaching oneself from this highly materialistic everyday world. He talks about the ideology behind detaching yourself from the acquisitive world and gain peace in god and his path.

His ideology teaches us of seeking inner peace and believing in God, while he plans the best for our life. We don’t really realize God’s intentions in the prime of our lives, wherein we feel disappointed when things don’t work according to our plans, however if you look from a larger perspective, this is God’s signal to alarm us and pull us towards a better direction.

Guruji has spent most of his life on guiding the people around him, writing articles that have been extremely popular in religious magazines, while he has been a popular name shaping up the lives of many celebrities as well as common men. His guidance is extremely imperative and accurate in offering the right path to attain peace, achieve success and be happy and content with life. Curbing all the greed, negativity, jealousy that the human any carries with itself.

Keep connected to our page to get closer to the insights of Guruji and attain success and in life, overcoming the influences of the materialistic things in life.

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