Thursday, February 25, 2016

Guru Brij Mohan Ji Maharaj – A pure soul behind this beautiful creation

After talking a lot about his ideologies and path that leads towards spirituality, we introduce you today with the master behind the conception of “Who AM I”.

Guru Brij Mohan Ji Maharaj, who took “Deeksha” at an early age, was always fascinated with the world around and its reality. He took towards exploring through the reality of life at a very young age and ever since then he acquired immense knowledge, walking on the path towards spirituality, reality and the truth behind the evolution of human being on this planet.

Since then he devoted his life towards teaching and preaching people regarding the various aspects and the possible approach towards getting inclined to the almighty.

He has been a known face in India as well as Canada, while being an imperative factor in shaping up the lives of many people, directing them towards attaining mental peace, physical strength and devotion towards the almighty.

He has been an eminent person, at the ITDC where he has been offering his preaching. Following superannuation, he had been completely occupied in the spirituality path. He has been instrumental in offering and educating people to choose the exact path towards spiritualism and inner peace.

Guruji has been a renowned face in conducting austerities since long, while he has been spending most of this earning over preaching in forms of writing some of the greatest and knowledgeable books, bhajans and also recording them into Cd's. He founded “Divya Chakshu” that instills a message of detaching oneself from this highly materialistic everyday world. He talks about the ideology behind detaching yourself from the acquisitive world and gain peace in god and his path.

His ideology teaches us of seeking inner peace and believing in God, while he plans the best for our life. We don’t really realize God’s intentions in the prime of our lives, wherein we feel disappointed when things don’t work according to our plans, however if you look from a larger perspective, this is God’s signal to alarm us and pull us towards a better direction.

Guruji has spent most of his life on guiding the people around him, writing articles that have been extremely popular in religious magazines, while he has been a popular name shaping up the lives of many celebrities as well as common men. His guidance is extremely imperative and accurate in offering the right path to attain peace, achieve success and be happy and content with life. Curbing all the greed, negativity, jealousy that the human any carries with itself.

Keep connected to our page to get closer to the insights of Guruji and attain success and in life, overcoming the influences of the materialistic things in life.

Identify the Real You..!

There are many times in life, we become judges for the other people’s life and offer suggestions, analysis and feedback for the various aspects they go through. However when the question about our own life arises, we often end up defending ourselves, our mistakes, our decision etc.

But in this course of protecting ourselves while carrying the desire to prove ourselves right at home, in Office and any where we go precisely, are we not forgetting who we actually are?

The best to get connected with yourself is to allow yourself to be with just you. Stop and relax for the most convenient time of the day, and yes it will become the best time for you to give yourself a “hi” and check upon your well being.

We often depend on other people, things and situations to keep ourselves busy and content in our life. However it would be certainly true to say that you yourself carry immense power and potential to make yourself happy. All you need to do is getting connected with yourself; your inner feelings and life could become way too stronger and happier for you, for sure.

It has been scientifically proven those things and the materialistic factors of life fail to keep us happy and content. The key towards achieving these goals lies within us. All you need is to stimulate this aspect and talk to yourself, assure when in doubt, ne there for yourself and you will win the world being powerful, withholding your power.

There are times when life could look falling apart, and you lean and depend upon other to support you, but if you identify your core and strengths, you will be stronger in order to handle the odds in life.

There are a few ways to achieve this state of mind:

Talk to yourself
Take 10 minutes out of your busy life and keep this time to recap the day with just yourself. Preserve in your memory the good part of the day and let the bad ones leave you forever.

Believe in yourself
Life can throw upon many challenges for you, all you got to do is remain focused and have the faith in yourself. Life evidently throws its spells time in and out on us, however the way you deal with it makes the difference here. Be strong and have courage to overcome the spells of life and achieve victory.

Be Attentive
Never let the other take you for granted. Respect yourself for the other to respect you. Never let people to get over you, instead follow your heart and mind judiciously and keep a control on yourself as well as your life.

Write a journal
The best practice to get closer to you is the habit of wiring each day. Trust me it carries immense power. Write about the things that made you happy, while also pen down the things you did wrong and the steps you will take to correct them.

Love yourself-pamper yourself
There is nothing wrong to be in love with one self. Only if you will appreciate yourself, you would be able to value another person’s life. There is no harm in indulging in aspects that make you feel good.  Keep yourself occupied in looking for occasions, things that would make you feel loved, hereby fulfilling your desires all by yourself.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

The question of Human Desires..~!

It would not be incorrect to quote that a human being is never satisfied and happy with all that he has. There is a lot of scope for getting that little something more, that we all need in life. I’m not exaggerating by terming humans to be greedy or cruel, However the fact remains same as the human being always has a little; while he wants a little more, isn’t it?

Humans keep wishing, desiring and longing for something or the other in life, until we are alive. Sometimes they are the basic needs like a little more money, some more freedom, some more profits; a little bit more of love, a better promotion, a great job, kids, house, possessions and the list go endless from here.

There is nothing wrong in excelling in life, growing and expanding in terms of earning a better life. However we need to realize and understand the thin line between our desires and our requirements. There could be numerous things we need, whereas there are things we would certainly want. So once the human being comprehends the need and want variation, life would indeed become sorted.

Being an exclusive human nature, we understand and appreciate things better than anyone alive on this planet, so therefore we tend to get attracted towards them, which is completely alright and natural.

But there is certainly one thing we need to keep in mind; Greed and desires go hand in hand. Greed becomes the root cause of the base for many of the problems that lie ahead.

We should learn to settle down with life. Each aspect that is created by nature requires stability; hence we need that factor leading our lives as well. Expecting a lot out of life would most of the time bring back disappointment that nobody likes or wishes for?

However we will talk about a certain innate and no-harm desires of life that would guide you towards positivity and make sure you have objectives to achieve in life:

Desire to smile and be happy
Yes in the run around of life, acquiring and managing the materialistic aspects of life, we often overlook the essence to be happy and smile. We laugh around on jokes and smile to see new and attractive things in life; however, the true happiness is exhibited with the spark in the eyes. Make it a point to be happy and smile while all this reflects in the spark of your eyes. This is true happiness, indeed.

Cherish True Love
Stop looking for perfection in relationships that is rare. Nobody can be perfect, when it comes to relationships. Try being flexible there; give enough space to your partners, kids, parents, friends etc. And cherish each moment spent with them, over-looking their flaws. This would certainly add on making you a happier person altogether.

Aim at a healthy Life
Living a life free of disease is the greatest happiness one can ask for. No one wants to be popping pills, keep running around doctors and hospitals. A disease has a huge negative impact on your life as well as your body.  So be happy and keep your bodies healthy, cherish each day God has given you with the best of your health and maintain it by taking care of your health, sleep, diet and approach towards life.

Stay Satisfied
Happiness comes only if your state of mind is content. This might sound ironical, however it’s true. Stop looking for it desperately, it will certainly come, automatically if in case you are relaxed, focused to your goals, happy and healthy. Be patient for the best things as they will come to you if in case they are meant to be. Your life may not be perfect, but its life and it is suppose to be like this, trust me and you will never be unhappy again!


Valuing Human Life beyond Money!!!

We often end up unintentionally putting a price tag over to our lives. However it’s high time we need to correct this repeated mistake of ours. Just think about the last time you or any of your family member was ill, no matter how much money you had spent over medications, doctors, food and what not, the sufferings were similar, right?

Money and the materialistic comforts enhance the quality of our lives, but the value of life is indeed priceless, a thing that no one can ever buy with money, gold or any other precious things of life.

Taking a larger look at it, our universe is huge and vast. Economies keep developing, evolving and changing. The total cost of saving a life in crises is immense, isn’t it?

It remains integral and imperative to save a human life, value it, cherish it and thank the almighty for giving us existence.
We are all different, our lives and backgrounds are diverse, but there is one thing common in all the humans across the globe. Life as well as death are equally inevitable, no one, rich or poor, healthy or sick has a hold on this phenomenon.

We are never sure about our future, we don’t know what is it that would shape our destiny; however we urge you, right at this point of time, to get up, decide and work upon making life superior, irrespective of the financial, materialistic or monetary aspects. Improve the quality and value of your life, be an approach towards bringing in joy and love, smile and happiness in the lives of the people around you.

By doing so, we can actually save the human race from tearing apart. This is certainly going to add value to the Human Life!!!

Stop putting a price tag over to your own life, and see your life expanding beyond limits, and achieve a stage of life that is unthinkably high.

Trust your intuition; it really is right for most of the times. And work upon replacing the cost of life with the value of life!!

Love and care for the people around you; expect nothing in return; be kind, have courage; get closer to your own thoughts; do not panic death; it is destined to come; stop being selfish; adapt giving; have faith; trust and yes, this is known as giving VALUE TO LIFE…….

*Trust the people around you; yes, even if you are not sure, trusting would help you become kind and create a loving environment around you.
*Make relationships, yes becoming more loving and caring in your close relations help you become a better person, indeed.
*Don’t let time, fade away the love in your life, maintain it, don’t let the time steal away their warmth

Add value, eminence and joy to your life, to the human race and to every life, aspect and element attached to you around.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Negativity needs to go away!!!

We have been talking about making life serene, peaceful and free from the disturbing and pessimistic aspects of life. There are many ways we can be inclined towards god, in order to make ourselves a better person, lead an enhanced and a healthier life, while letting our anger, hatred and negative thoughts fade away.

Keeping our thoughts right, free of stress and anger not only makes us happy, productive, live more, but also releases the odds out, making space for the soul to live better, hereby making the world around a better place to live.

But, in the course of life, wherein we meet several challenges, difficulties, stress, tensions, dead-lines and much more almost each day of our lives, it becomes unavoidable to attract and carry negative thoughts along.

Today in this blog we have a few tips to release out the negativity; we have been carrying since the last so many years.
Sometime these tips might sound materialistic, but when we take birth, live and survive in this world, we indeed need to be surrounded by such aspects, no matter what!

We take birth, acquire our family names, get educated, find jobs, get married, and survive by earning and taking care of our families, homes, offices, bosses, kids and much more. All of these relations, tasks, chores sum up to add on to our responsibilities, we tend to work hard, harder at times to provide the necessities as well as the luxuries of life to our families. So in the due course, our body, mind and soul tends to get over-worked, we attract a lot of stress, tensions, negativity, anger, hatred and much more.

Let us understand how we can be sure to get rid of them, or at least minimize their adverse effects on us:

1. Get Closer to Nature, go green
Plants naturally enhance our moods, pull away negativity from us and release naturally filtered clean and pure air that is vital for both our body and mind. Make sure to place a live plant in each of your living spaces around you. Make sure your home or office gets ample fresh air and sunlight, which indeed is a great way to release out bad energy.

2. Keep your space clean and clutter free
Humans have a tendency to fall in love with their things. Clothes, books, shoes, bags and what not! However, in the due course we keep on buying the things we need and pile them up, creating a huge lot that takes a lot of space altogether. There is an energy that flows around us, so if the space is chaotic, we anyways block the way, isn’t it?

3. Salt Therapy
Yes, believe it or not, Salt attracts the negative energy and eliminates it out from your homes or offices, opening the doors to oxygen, new opportunities, great life, happiness and much more! Sprinkle a few grains of salt in the corners, while you get them cleaned after 24 hours. This is a therapy that would clear your mind and soul off the negative energy, leaving you feeling calm, cool and relaxed.

There are several ways, we as humans can improve the quality of life we live; get connected to the almighty, make our soul clean, free of burdens and much more.

“Who Am I”

The quest for our existence!!!!

You might call yourself “I”, “me” or myself, but have we ever asked yourself what I, ME or MYSELF really is? Have you ever thought about this?

Presenting the much awaited concepts and the soul behind “Who Am I”!!!

The body belongs to us and turns out to be our individuality while being with us for so long, since birth until we face death, carrying on as our identity, through which we perform our duties, responsibilities, roles and actions. It starts being tender, gets stronger by the day, gains energy, and then starts to age as well, gets tired down with the course of time in life.

Finally the body meets death, so what next, I mean it comes to an end and what about I, Me and Myself?
If that becomes the case, so where exactly would you go, where would the consciousness sit, after the body has been disposed off? Will it be finished forever?

How would you feel then? Will there be any I, Me and Myself left to be talked about?

The above mentioned queries and a lot more are not that simple to be answered or discovered. But the primary stage to spiritualism is probing oneself with such questions. Only then can we anticipate ascertaining answers for them. These questions have always puzzled us, particularly when we experience our loved ones who leave us and never come back.
However their sudden departure and absence has always made us restless, however we need to use this restlessness so that we arise in ourselves in order to face our realities and the facts that rule and outline our lives.

Life has been just about making money, eating, drinking, sleeping, pro-creating, and ageing and eventually dying. But there is one aspect often overlooked by all of us, being the Soul that resides in our bodies, for the term of life defined for us. It is the basic awareness that defines our life and the uniqueness of living. It is the basic excellence of the state of alertness about another peripheral element living inside our bodies.

It can be defined as sentience, responsiveness, the capability to understand or to feel being awake, attaining self hood and being aware in the mind.

In simpler words the realizations represent the connection between the mind and the world!!!

Welcome to the world of “Who Am I” where life does not end with death!!!!

What is WHO AM I all about?

This is a question that every human urges to ask himself, about “Who Am I”, I could be a live, organism who is breathing and existing while being called a human being?

I am really not sure if I am an object or a physically alive arrangement that takes and acquires the help and support of a human body to mark its recognition over a certain years of time, so I’m I a body?

Well, why not, it’s the body that defines me, makes me move, touch think and play my responsibilities while I’m here in the world. I have been given a couple of physical sensations that makes my body feel the pain, makes me hungry, thirsty, tired, injured, sick, be aware of fears, anxiety and happiness.

So, it can be rather said that I’m getting closer to all this experience through the medium of my body isn’t it? So I’m in my body?

Well, certainly the body in a way brands the human existence, makes us be recognized by the others here, it’s the body through which we are connected to the numerous feelings, responsibilities, identities, roles plays and many more aspects, so it is quite relative to get attached to it!

This being the reason behind the emotional connection we have with our bodies, all our life we spend most of the time taking care of, fulfilling the needs and judging our bodies.

However, the basic and the fundamental truth behind this body, the reason the body is alive and apt to survive is the SOUL, often overlooked, lost in the presence of the body as it’s not openly noticeable or can be defined. This feature of the soul often urges the learned and the spiritual person about this aspect that makes them think and experience, reveals and keeps in mind and expects.

The mentality, strength, spirit, soul, responsiveness and realization are an aspect about being a body that is comprehensive or understood by a person itself and by others.

Human beings are definite and popular by the wisdom of their character, experience and cause with which they are sent to the material world. We are repeatedly lean over believing that the image that reflects on the mirror is a thing that is our true identity. While the truth behind is entirely different whereas the body is simply a tool that is a reflection and mind of our soul. It is indeed a gaffe to bring to a close that the body is not important for the existence of a soul. Devoid of a body, along with a proper functioning mind would never be able to mark its existence and presence.

The mind makes use of the body to stay alive, analyze and task within a variety of social situations. It also offers its favors!

Our minds rule our bodies, assigning mental balance and awareness to the various substances throughout the world.
During the course of the entire life, a human spends most of the time, doing things exactly what the societies expect from it, while he spends his entire life working, earning, making a living and fulfilling the material needs. However in this rapid race of time and needs, the human often forgets his factual and real purpose he had been sent to the world, his actual connection with his own soul and the almighty, working enough to mark his existence.

So, I urge you feeling the similar question in my mind, I am what I look, or what I was meant to me?
“Who Am I”

The question of Real Happiness!!!!

Life is hectic, tiring, busy and monotonous these days, there is hardly enough time to even indulge into your daily chores along with regular meals, right. We are living in a highly competitive era , wherein the level of competency has upsurge, resulting in over-working ourselves in search of a better pay, high profiles at jobs, more luxurious, savings and many more materialistic elements in life that altogether exhibit our level of happiness, but I may just take another 5 seconds to ask all of you. Are you all really happy?

With tons of your wishes getting fulfilled, right from getting the right job, grabbing the promotion, a salary hike, the best car to drive, to the most luxurious home to live it, all these are monetary things that make us smile, but happiness is an aspect attained from within, and inside it’s a place where our soul lives.

It is this soul that needs to be all good, happy and content in order to make us happy and satisfied in life and perform better and more profitable in life, where achieving the biggest reward, peace comes in picture. The world in which we live is virtual, which is kind of all made up with materialistic aspects around us, while the people only come close, if they have some objective.

While we all have trust in God, so his plans do work, not every time as we plan, but in accordance to his intentions, making things happen only the way they are meant to be for us. We all believe in God, we know that he is there for us, we pray, worship in our own unique ways but have you ever thought of feeling his presence around?  Yes you read it right, have you ever felt GOD around you?

We all believe in God, but never really feel his presence around, are unsure if he really exists or not. As he is just not simply accessible, he cannot be contacted over the phone, nor does he carry an email account, so that we could chat up. But it’s high time we need to realize that God resides within us, and we should stop looking for him in temples, churches, mosques etc.

There are a number of rituals, religious ceremonies that we perform, seeking his presence and blessings, but we all forget about making ourselves free of dust, being hatred, jealousy, anger in order to find peace and eventually get connected to the almighty.  Our soul is the sole connection towards god, and all we need is to connect with it and keep it as clean and pure as possible. Realizing that god lives in our soul is the initial phase of opening up the Divya Chakshu.

Our body, is something on which we spend the most of our time, decorating it with attires, jewels, keeping it clean, maintaining its tone and shape, while its just like a shell for us, for the time being. This human body gets destroyed, however it’s the soul that survives and never dies. The middle of our forehead is the place, which houses our sole. Our sole purpose of taking birth in this materialistic world is to get to know the location of our soul and get connected to it.

The moment a human realizes this, he/she would start the journey towards the lord and would achieve peace and joy that is unexpected and above everything. This is the sole objective due to which a human takes birth, to achieve the best guidance of a teacher or a guru in order to get support while being guided over and get connected to god in the most suitable approach.

“Faith could just be a small word, but it does carry supreme implications. The only problem we are facing today is that we have started doubting our faith and started having faith in our doubts.”

So, get up, get away from the barriers of doubts, and head towards the journey to purify your soul and acclaim god’s presence around, soon you’d realize “Who Am I”.